Thursday, January 7, 2010

Taco Pie

I love cold, snow days when you get to stay home and focus on your kids and house. I usually do a lot of cooking on these kinds of days. So today, to take my mind off of the stress of being a superintendent's wife on a snow day where Mike had a tough call today, I thought I would have some fun and cook one of our favorite dishes: Taco Pie!

This dish is one of our favorites-Kyle usually eats three pieces:) This dish was brought to us by our friend, Patty when we had David. Every time I make this dish it brings me back to that sweet summer 5 years ago. My bible study group brought us meals for 6 weeks and that summer I truly learned the definition of the words comfort food:)

This is a great weeknight dish that takes about 10 minutes to prep and 25 minutes to cook. The only downside is that there are usually no leftovers for the next night!

Ingredients needed:

3/4 or 1 pound of ground beef or turkey
1 roll of crescent rolls
1 bag of shredded cheese
12 ounces of sour cream (I use light)
taco seasoning packet
handful of tortilla chips

Start by spraying an empty pie dish with cooking spray. Here is the kind I use and most of the ingredients.

While your hamburger or turkey is cooking on the stove, line your pie dish with the crescent rolls. This does not have to be pretty or even symmetrical. Think patch work quilt and just cover the bottom and sides of the dish with the rolls. Right after you do this, check your hamburger and add the taco seasoning to the cooking hamburger. When your burger is done, drain off the fat!

Add the cooked taco meat to the crescent rolls.

Next take a big spoon and plop some sour cream over your taco meat. Use a knife to spread the sour cream over the meat.

Sprinkle the cheese on top and a few chips and it is ready for the oven! Bake at 325 for about 25 minutes. Enjoy this yummy dish! Sneak in some veggies by serving a salad with it:) Enjoy:)

Hopefully this dish will warm up sweet Davey:)

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