Thursday, August 12, 2010

Life Update

It has been a long week full of last minute summer fun, precious moments at my PawPaw's bedside, and lots of McDonalds sweet tea. PawPaw is proving to still be a tireless workhorse! His lungs are in pitiful shape, but his vitals are staying strong.

Monday and Tuesday all day he felt super great and he had lots of visitors and was even starting to get some popsicles and such. Wednesday morning he woke up feeling great as well but then by the afternoon his heart rate went kind of wild and his other vital signs started going wild. He said he did not feel that great and his breathing became very labored.

The doctor then realized that lots and lots of fluid had backed up in his body which was putting lots of pressure on already stressed out lungs. Yesterday afternoon the doctor did some more meds and even some morphine and overall he had a restful night.

We are sad that he had this setback yesterday afternoon but we continue to trust in God's will for his life. There are so many funny stories about him in this shape that I need to write down:) His mind is still completely alert and he is still his funny, drill-seargent self:) I will treasure all this time that we have had together.

He knows his time is short and it touches and tenders my heart so that he is not afraid to tell you how much he loves you and his desire to have someone holding his hand at all times. He met with his beloved pastor, Brian the other night and he did re-dedicate his life to God. That too touches my heart so much and will hopefully leave such a legacy to this family:)

Last night I went after dinner to the hospital because I knew that his breathing has begun to get more labored. Mom and I sat by his side for several hours and just talked when he felt like it. Precious, precious time that I will never ever forget. He knows how loved he is and that he is ultimately going home to Jesus and will receive a fresh set of lungs. I love that he is not afraid to be honest and emotional with us-he has a big heart and he is not afraid for you to see that.

I am trying to also work in a few fun outings with my kiddos before school starts next Wednesday. So far this week we have hit the movies, the pool, and a waterpark near the hospital. This morning I am catching up on housework and working my way down my "to do" list.

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