So today I am downloading pictures from my iphone and camera from the past week. Do you recognize this cool pirate? Isn't this the coolest pirate costume ever??? We love it, however, it is a mystery to us who dropped this brand new costume from Disney off (with all the accessories) for our Rock Star at my parents house in Radford?!! Thank you-we LOVE it!! The dreadlock hat is my favorite part:)
This week in clinic David got his purple heart for finishing chemo!! He has collected beads of courage throughout his entire cancer journey, but the purple heart is a big milestone.
Here is poor pumpkin still sleeping after his scan. We knew he was ready to wake up when he started pulling on the cannula in his nose.
Here is Teacher Daddy working on spelling words with David while he was getting his Pentamidine medicine to ward off pneumonia. He will continue to get that medicine for another five months until his immune system catches up from the roller coaster ride of chemo.
Tonight we are heading out to an adult spelling bee where Mike is one of the contestants for charity. The little ones have played so hard and are so worn out from the week that they are staying home, but Kyle and I are going to cheer Mike on.
Preschool open houses start for me this week and I am so excited!!! We are loving our normal and boring life. Thank you for all your prayers, emails, calls, texts, and messages this week. These scans will always make us very nervous, but we are so thankful for God's peace and you, our prayer warriors, supporting us and encouraging us through the tough days.
I shared the good news at church this morning. We had lots of "amens".