Wednesday, January 9, 2013

David's Kidney

This week we had a recheck of David's labs.  Thankfully his Creatinine has dropped from .9 to .8!  We will take all the good news we can get when it comes to Mr. David.  His BUN is still a little high, but potassium is in the normal range.  Please continue to pray for David's sweet kidney to keep functioning as normally as possible. Considering the beating it has taken between chemo, radiation, antibiotics, surgery, and such over the last year we are thankful that it is still doing its job.   

We return to clinic at UVA January 25th and then his next scan will be in February.  Yes, it seems to us that those three month cycles roll around pretty quickly.  Sigh. We just keep the faith and keep our eyes focused on Jesus. 

I have had several ask me lately how do we live knowing that the cancer could return at anytime.  We certainly know that and we try to live and enjoy every moment.  We cannot; however, dwell on the "What ifs" and live in fear.  We believe that God does not want us to live in fear but live for Him and "cast all of our cares on him for He cares for us" 1Peter 5:7.

I am blessed with many ladies in my life who encourage me, make me laugh, and we share God's word together even if it is through texting and facebook.  I am also thankful for all the encouragement and support we get through this blog.  It makes me want to cry humble and thankful tears when I run into people and they say that they follow this blog and are praying for us.  Thank you.  I am so thankful for my kids who keep us laughing and for Mike who keeps me in check when my mind starts wandering to a scary place. 

David is really doing awesome.  We are so thankful.  I remember that one of the nurse practicioners commented that we would see a big increase in David's energy and overall well-being six months after he finished chemo.  January marks the 6th month and frankly she nailed it.  He has grown and inch or two, put on a pound or two and looks healthy and great.  We are so thankful and it makes us so proud and happy to see his energy and spunk return.  We give God praise and glory for every inch he has grown and every pound he has put on. This time last year he was spiraling down to 45 pounds and the other day he finally hit the 60 pound mark!!  (that was with his heavy Jordans on but we will take it!)

Last year my doctor prescribed some medicine for me due to symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome after David's diagnosis and hospitalization.  I tried really hard to go off of that medicine over Christmas break.  Lets just say that maybe it is not quite time.  The nightmares came back in full force and my hands started shaking again.  I know that I suffer from that because tonight I used some new soap from Bath and Body works and as soon as I put some on I started shaking.  It was the exact soap that was in the kitchen at the Ronald McDonald House and it brought back all those memories of being there.  Those two weeks we were there were the scariest, and though that place is wonderful, it signals for me the darkest time of the journey. I know I have a lot of healing to do still. 

I am blessed woman that has a lot of love around me, sweet friendships with some Godly women who make me belly laugh, amazing kids who remind me what life is all about, a loyal and steady hubbie, and a Savior that loves me despite my meltdowns and pity parties.  If I have the love of family and friends and promises from our Savior who desperately loves us, then whom or what shall I fear? 

1 comment:

  1. So glad this little fellow is doing great. I have followed the blog since he got sick. I thank God for bringing him thru & making him well again. May God just keep blessing you all.
