Sunday, March 3, 2013

Picture Catchup

Thank you all for your kind words, emails, comments, and facebook messages regarding my last post. We know that David is fearfully and wonderfully made and that our God has and will continue to use David to remind us all what is truly important in this life.   Sadly there are just going to be instances in our lives that painfully remind us that David is not always going to excel in earthly things like standardized tests because as our friend and David's music teacher, Mrs. Gates reminded us that "there is nothing standardized about David." 

My heart is much lighter so I am finally catching up with some fun pictures that have been on my phone.  Ashley and I have started taking the kids to the Wellness Center on Wednesday nights for swim nights.  The kids LOVE It so much! 
My pictures are out of order, but here is Kyle's thumb after a long day of AAU hoops yesterday.  He jammed his thumb and we were going to take him to the ER but we are icing it and have placed it in a splint until his doctor is open tomorrow.  I hate to go to the ER because I would hate to go for a simple finger and get the flu that is so rampant this time of year. 
Back to our swimming children with the help of Ashley have learned how to play chicken and they LOVE It.  Hope is fearless in in the water and David is slowly remembering that he can swim after being out of the water for almost a year due to tubes and cancer. 

Last Thursday Hope's little preschool class went to Hope's gymnastics center for a fun field trip.  It was such a ball and Hope loved having an extra gymnastics class in her week.  When we got there, Hope started stripping her clothes off to get to her leotard that was on underneath.  One of the more hysterical boys in the class looked at Hope stripping down to her leotard and said "I ain't going to do this if we have to get naked" I love my job.
Hope and her friends bear crawling...
Hope and Sydney stretching!  These two love each other so much.
Playing the run and freeze game. 
Pure joy in this precious face. 

Speaking of pure joy, today David and I were gifted with a huge blessing and I am so excited for this Friday night.  Ashley, Matt, Matt's sister, Ginny, and Matt's Mom, Mrs. Moorer handed me a brown envelope in church this morning.  I started crying as soon as I opened up the envelope and saw two tickets to David Crowder's concert this Friday night in Bristol.

 Not only do the tickets include admission, but there is a meet and greet before the show where we can meet David Crowder.  I can hardly type these words I am so excited.  We have it on video of me telling David and he runs through the house he is so excited.  What an amazing gift from some amazing people and we are so excited and overwhelmed.  David face-to-face with David Crowder is so exciting!!!!

In other exciting news, we have finally heard from make-a-wish and it looks like David's wish to go to Disney is going to happen this July!!  We are still working out details but we are over the moon excited to think about this precious week together as a family. 

We feel so overwhelmed in gratitude for the evening with David Crowder this Friday, for fun family times like our Wednesday night swims, and for our God who uses anything he can to remind us all how much He loves us. 

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