Monday, February 10, 2014

A weekend of hoops

I have been a wee bit of a blog delinqent the last few days. Sometimes life is full and busy and you can barely keep your head above water. This past weekend our AAU team hosted a tournament to raise money for our team. We love the players and the families on our team and despite the HOURS and HOURS of work it takes to pull of a big tourney, we had a blast doing it.

This weekend we hosted over thirty teams to our neck of the woods for two full days of basketball, basketball, and more basketball. Even though today I am weary and bone-tired, I so appreciate the memories we are making as a family with our sports friends. We worked very hard this weekend but I laughed more than I have in along while!

I love sports. I love the lessons that can come from sports. You cannot win them all, and it is such a valuable lesson to win and lose with grace and class. Mike and our other coach, demand that the boys have class and are good sports. I love seeing Kyle with his teammates encouraging each other. I love the leadership that I see in Kyle while he is on the court. Kyle is not going to be the next Lebron James, but I am so thankful for the life lessons, fun, and memories that he will take away from these precious years of playing hoops with our Hornet families.

After an entire weekend of basketball, my house is a wreck, my laundry is piled up, and I have a ballerina who needs to get her tutu on for class. I am so thankful that God blessed us with these three kids who keep us hopping. I know these days are fleeting and will be gone before we know it, so I will thank God for the friends and memories that he continues to bless us with even when we are delirious after so many hours in a basketball gym!

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