Sunday, March 23, 2014

Weekend Wrapup

The good news on this Sunday night is that this guy is finally feeling better!  He made it all day at school on Friday and this weekend his appetite and energy level are returning.  Here is our Rockstar chilling out with his headphones and Ipad listening to some tunes.

This picture for some reason makes me belly laugh.  He is the funniest child!  Tonight at dinner he picked up his banana that he was eating and put it to his ear and said "hello, hey honey what's up?" He is such a  nut!
Yesterday we loaded up and headed to Bristol for the first travel ball game of the season.  If you look really hard you will see one little tiny hint of spring with some flowers trying to come up.  Spring has been a long time coming this year, but we did enjoy some sunshine yesterday at the game.
This team had a rough day of play with two losses but they came out to play today.  Thankfully our team is full of great guys and great coaches that make it a fun experience.  Baseball is NOT my favorite at all, but if one of my kids love it then I will be there with bells on!  Kyle loves it and loves the competition and social time. 

Our team hit the ball really well this weekend despite the losses.  Here is Kyle on first base.  Base running makes me nervous!!! 
Hope and David were in heaven with a playground close to the fields. 
Mike spent a good part of the day on the phone dealing with a stressful work situation.  At the end of the day God had worked it out for the good so he did get to have a little fun with us!  It frustrates me sometimes that he does not have a job that he can "turn off" but he is using his gifts and talents from God to bless lots and lots of children with a great education.  
My cute little ball player:)
It is obvious due to my stress level that a scan is coming up soon.  That dark cloud of doubt and panic tried to rear its ugly head this weekend.  I know our God is able to handle all my fears and all my nerves and I am so thankful that I can pour out my heart to Him.  I also think having David so sick last week also triggered a lot of chemo memories where he was that sick for  a long time and those hard memories were not fun to deal with.  Sadly cancer will always be part of our lives-I am just thankful that Jesus plays a bigger role in our lives:)  Have a great week!

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