Monday, August 10, 2009

Monday Tidbits

We have had a pretty laid back Monday. It is really hot here today and I had a ton of errands to do, so Alex came over this morning to play with the boys while I got some things knocked off the "to do" list today. Alex is a sweet babysitter that we found through a good friend and the boys love her.

We also got to find out teachers today for the boys and we are really excited. Kyle got a veteran teacher that is known for doing really creative things in the classroom and I think he will love her sweet and gentle spirit. He also has a few friends from preschool in his class and he is really excited. David's teacher was no surprise to us today, but we were thrilled that he also knew several friends in his class. His super excitement is that his friend, Hailey is in his class! I know the boys will both have a great year.

I just love this picture of Hope playing on her jungle gym mat. She is really starting to make sounds and smile! This cute little outfit came from my brother and SIL, but the shorts that match this onesie still fall off of her!

Like mother, like son. Kyle has REALLY gotten into picking out school clothes this year and asked nicely today if he could look on the Under Armor website for new shoes. Sure, I said as I nursed Hope and read a book to David. He wanted me to come look at everything he deemed "cool" but I could not while I was nursing and reading The Little Engine that Could to David. Kyle then got the bright idea to add everything he liked to his cart so when I was done nursing I could come check them out. Imagine my shock when I pulled up this cart full of stuff! Thank goodness Kyle has no idea how to check out anything online! I got so tickled when I realized that he is inheriting his mother's love for online shopping already:) By the way, look closely at how many items he put in his cart and that total!

I am also working so hard on putting this house back together from the remodel and it is taking so long to sort clothes for the kids and get organized. You can tell that I have been pregnant this last year because this house is desperately needing to be organized. I am also obsessed with looking up recipes and finding new things to cook for the family that Mike and the boys will eat and enjoy. I found a chicken breast recipe that we all loved that I will post later in the week. Super easy and yummy! Today I made some homemade chocolate chip cookies that are relatively healthy-they were okay but not blog-worthy! I feel like I should be wearing a dress and pearls these days with my organization mission and my newfound cooking obsession! HA! Maybe, the nesting instinct is kicking in postpartum... Anyway, this week the boys and I will continue to squeeze in summer fun and enjoy these last hot days of freedom before school beckons!:)

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