Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Top Twelve

I cannot believe that my boys start school tomorrow-Kyle is going into 2nd grade and David is going into kindergarten!!! My baby (well not anymore) is going to big school. I am a nervous wreck but so excited for the year ahead. We went and met the teachers and I am so thrilled with both boys' placements.

Our summer has been interesting with a new baby in the house and lots of rainy, cool weather. This summer was different than most due to Hope, but when the weather cooperated, we made the most of it! We have made some wonderful memories that I have compiled in our top twelve list below:

#12 The 4th of July! I always love the 4th because my whole family meets at the lake for a fun day. We missed Hunter this year, but when you get the boys together it is always fun. This was the day that my grandfather caught that huge fish that ended up in the Roanoke Times!!

#11 Introducing Hope to her first friend, Brady. My friend Samantha had a baby 8 weeks before me and it has been nice to have another friend with a baby. It has been five years since we did this newborn thing and it is fun to go through it with a friend. We have tried to talk some of our friends into having another baby so we will know more babies, but no one has taken us up on it yet?!

#10 Watching Kyle perform in the Missoula Children's Theatre play, Robinson Crusoe. He played the part of a chameleon with several friends. It was a fun memorable week for him!

#9 Watching Kyle jump off this high dive all summer:) He was so proud of himself because I was on the beach watching him-he did this all by himself!!

#8 An impromtu sleepover with Clayton (my nephew) back in June. My Mom came to visit overight and brought Clayton with her. My boys loved having their cousin over and they had fun playing together. Clayton even remarked that he liked my place!!

#7 Father's Day 2009! Hope was unexpectedly with us on Father's Day and we hosted a small family cookout to celebrate the Dads in the family. I have loved watching Mike become a girly Daddy and I think he is even starting to appreciate her hairbows!

#6 Our new playground! It has been wonderful watching David strengthen his muscles on this new playground and have fun outside time. It has also been a fun social thing for us as our playground is the happening neighborhood place after dinner for friends. The adults chat while the kids play. I will miss these fun evenings when the weather cools off:)

#5 Our White Sox Tball season where both boys played on the team and Daddy coached. Precious, pricelss memories because I feel that the boys will have few opportunities to be on the same team for sports due to their ages.

#4 Watching the boys share their life with Mike's mom for a week. Because of her schedule in Texas, she is not able to come here often and we have yet to make it to Texas, so time with her is a treat.

#3 Celebrating David's 5th birthday. I think that the 5th birthday is really a big deal-you are saying goodbye to the preschool days and hello to school age! I cannot believe that David is starting the big K tomorrow-where has the time gone??

#2Watching the boys morph into big brothers has been such a joy. It does not always feel like that when I am saying "David leave Hope alone" a million times a day, BUT it is wonderful to see the boys hover over her and love on her:)

#1 Hands down, the top highlight of the Robinson summer was the birth of Hope Madeline on June 15th.:)

I will be excited for the boys in the morning, but I always feel a little pit in my stomach as I walk out of the school on the first day. My control freak tendencies make it hard for me to turn them over to someone for 7 hours a day, but I know that for them to grow they must leave the nest:) I love them dearly and pray that they have a wonderful school year! I will post first day pics tomorrow:)

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