Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Random Tidbits

This week has been crazy but we have managed to take some time to celebrate some important people in our life.

Monday we celebrated Ashley's birthday. I get a lump in my throat when I think about how thankful we are to have her and what a true blessing she is to us. All the victories that David has won over the last few years I count her in on them. She is generous with her time and love to him and all of our children. We celebrated with pizza and cookie cake:)

The kids were so excited to have her party between swim team and Upward basketball practice. Ashley and her entire family have welcomed my kids into their family. These people love my David and I am so thankful. He is a lucky boy!

This little girl has certainly gotten even more attached to us all lately. She loves her brothers and literally trails after them when they come home from school. Here she is sitting on Kyle's lap while he does his homework!

She listened to him read an Andrew Clement's book for his homework! She also asks for her Daddy a million times a day and we often have to call him during the day.

David was home sick today and she could not resist to snuggle in the bed with him despite my bazillion warnings to stay away from him due to germs. This girl loves her brothers and for the most part they are really super sweet to her.

Mike's office is hosting a cookie exchange later in the month. I am excited about the idea of this, but the reality that I have to bake three dozen cookies that look and taste great to give to other people freaks me out! I am a good cook, but not a consistent baker. Today, Hope and I tried a peanut buter cookie recipe as a "dress rehearsel" for the actual exchange. They tasted good but are not that pretty.

These two do not mind because they love watching things cook in our oven. Hope is really into cooking with me these days and despite the fact that it slows down the process considerably, I love cooking with my girl.

Mike is heading out of town for a few days and thankfully my Mom is coming to lend a hand. I am so thankful because it wears me thin to be a single parent for more than a day or two.

We are ready for Thanksgiving break around here. We are ready for the pace to slow just for a day or so around here.

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