Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Robinson Girls Getting Sporty

The Robinson girls are getting a little sporty around here!  Hope is a month into her tumbly tykes gymnastics class and she loves it.  It has helped her so much with her confidence and to overcome her shyness.  She allowed me to take my camera the other night to capture some pictures of her in action:)

Warming up....I love this picture because she looks so happy.  I am so proud of the confidence and maturity that she is showing us these days. 
Flipping over the low bar herself:)  I think it is adorable that her hello kitty panties are hanging out of her leotard.  I know in a few years she will be horrified but for now it is cute:)
Flipping backwards:)
Jumping on the jumpolene!  She hates wearing her hair in ponytails for now so we just put it back in a clippie for class. 
Look at that pure joy on her face!! I love it so much!! She is super excited that her preschool class is going on a field trip this week to the gymnastics center because that is an extra day that she gets to go to gymnastics.  It is truly the highlight of her week. 

My new sporty endeavor is a little lofty, but I am willing to give it my all because Kyle is going to do it with me!!!  At church a fellow Mom has started a Run for God program where each week you have a bible study and then two separate nights of running to get in shape for a 5K.  Sitting in a hospital the last year or so has not helped my cardiovascular health, so I am excited to study God's word and run for God.  It is a 12 week program and I hope to be able to run a 5K at the end.

I am super excited because Kyle is going to do it with me:)  Several moms are doing it with their older kiddos and Kyle is in such good shape that he could probably run a 5k without much training but I am excited that he will be with me to encourage me.  Any local friends that want to get involved email me and I will get you hooked up.  The bible study does not start until March 10th so you still have a little bit of time before it begins.  There are about 30-40 others runners for God signed up and it is really no pressure.  If you can't run and only can walk that is fine!  It is truly about strengthening our relationship with God and our bodies. 

Typically the boys are the athletes in our family, but for now Hope and I are getting our sport on too. 

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