Monday, March 28, 2016

Easter 2016

Easter 2016 was full of family, church, fun and faith.  This was my first official Holy week on staff at church as the middle school youth director and though I am exhausted this day after Easter, it was wonderful. 

Christmas and Easter are about the only time we are off together as a family.  Our spring break is short this year due to snow, but we are thankful for anytime we have off together.  On Hope's list was to make resurrection rolls and dye Easter eggs.  We checked them both off of our list.
We had planned to take the kids to Dollywood on Saturday, but Friday night we decided that we really would just stay home and catch up around the house and take the kids to see Zootopia. 
We even ran into the Easter bunny at the movies!!
We attended Maundy Thurssday service Thursday night at church.  Mike came straight from work, Hope and Dave had on play clothes and Kyle came straight from basketball.  We made it and that is all what matters. Friday we then had Good Friday service which remembers the death that Jesus died on the cross. The youth had a part in that service. 
Here is Kyle taking a candle out of the church.  To symbolize Jesus' death all elements of Him are taken out of the sanctuary during the service.  I wonder how sad, scared and hopeless Jesus' disciples felt after his crucifixion.  They followed him so loyally for three years and they must have felt so sad after his death.  The service was very powerful. 
Saturday night at midnight the pastor held an Easter vigil fire at the church.  I took Kyle and Tanner and along with 18 other youth, the pastor, and senior high youth director and we sat around the fire.  I am too old to make it all night but  I made it until about 2:45 a.m.  It was a lot of fun and I was so proud of the youth for coming out to wait for Jesus.  About 8 of them made it all night long until the sunrise service at 7 a.m. This princess needed a few hours of sleep so I came home and slept for three hours and made it back to the sunrise service. 
At the sunrise service we started at the fire and took the light of the world back into the dark sanctuary.  I was so impressed with the youth that made it all night long.  Their parents were also expecting them to be bright-eyed and busy tailed and wearing their easter best in just a few hours. 
After the sunrise service there was a wonderful breakfast with homemade sausage and gravy! There were also bunny pancakes!  It was wonderful and my little bunnies met me there. 
We came home and cleaned up for Easter church.  I caught this precious moment of Kyle fixing his brother's hair. 
Robinson girls:)
Our sweet Easter bunnies
After church we headed to Radford for Easter lunch. Here are our kids with their great grandmother.  She is in a wheel chair temporarily due to a sore on her foot. My 96 year old great aunt was also there. 
My Dad got Kyle a new fishing pole for Easter and here he is teaching him all about it.  These two have such a sweet relationship and they are looking forward to fishing together this spring and summer.
Seeing the cross full of flowers that symbolize life and hope blesses me so much each Easter.  Easter is my favorite holiday ever.  We live in a world where not much is sacred anymore, so it touches me when we stop for a few days during a very holy week and take time to remember what Jesus did for us.  I am so thankful for a Risen Savior!!

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