Thursday, November 13, 2008

Unexpected Surprises

I don't have the words adequate to express how thrilled we are to announce that we are expecting our third baby June 29th, 2009. Those closest to us know that this is truly an unexpected blessing from God and we are grateful to Him for this gift.

Kyle is thrilled and said to me "I always wanted to be a family of five" and then went on to say that the current ultrasound picture looks a little bit like a zombie! He is beside himself and is already thinking of names (from his favorite tv shows of course) to name the baby.

I feel so out of date since it has been 5 years since I was pregnant. I was a nervous wreck at the doctor this week and certainly did not act like a veteran mom. So far little peanut looks healthy with a booming heart beat, head, and body.

At lunch today with my girlfriends the topic of boy versus girl came up. I know that people will want a girl for us since we have two wild boys, but this is just so amazing to us that I am just thrilled to be going down this magical road again:)

We thank you in advance for your prayers and support. The most precious gifts in life are not always ones you can plan and prepare for. I feel humbled that during this stage in our life when we thought the baby thing was over, we get to once again experience this magical time.

I will keep you posted about little peanut and how his/her brothers are handeling this news:) David seems to be clueless but Kyle has enough excitement for all of us! It is going to be a long 32 weeks with him:) Oh, I am about 8 weeks along...Blessings to you:)


  1. Wow! Congratulations! I am so excited for you all. I hate that I missed lunch yesterday because it looks like I missed a good one! Let me know if there is anything I can do - it's only been a year for me so I still remember a bit.

  2. Laura!!!!! how exciting and wonderful!!! Praise God for the wonderful gift of new life. I know what the unexpected gift feels like and you will never see life the same. Every day with Anne Clements is a celebration of joy.

  3. Oh what do I say. . . first, I have to say congratulations!!! Second, God is GREAT! You know I am for being a mom of 3! Wait until the first time you get a table for 5 in a restaurant, sleep 5 in a hotel room or go to the grocery store as a family! I wouldn't trade it for anything!

    My choice could easily be for a boy - 3 boys makes for great front yard games, easy on hand-me-downs and my family room is the Robinson wrestling rink, football field and baseball diamond. I have also become a great referee and coach! Family gatherings would be VERY INTERESTING with 6 boys and 4 adults. . . I think you and I would really be out numbered.

    But how fun would it be to leave all the boys behind and we could take my niece shopping! I could fix her hair and nails! We could have Spa Day! OK I am ready for him or her to be here.

    Either way we have a new blessing in our family!!!! I am excited for you all and about the family growing. Kevin wants to know if you are bringing the baby for Thanksgiving! Take care of you and baby.

  4. LAURA!!!!! I am so happy for you and Mike. Not one but two people told me today of your news. Don't worry about being 5 years out of the loop. I was that way with Aidan and we did just fine. I would love to see you guys again soon. It was great "dropping" in on you all this summer. Take care and can't wait to hear about the updates.
