Sunday, October 19, 2008

Because of David

Caroline and David had a ball together today. In this picture, Caroline is instructing David on how to get a strike:)

Mike and David bowling. David uses the ramp and actually gets some strikes:)

Mike and the birthday girl, Jessica!

Caroline and David-David's face is scrunched up because he was saying "cheeeeeese!"

Because of our sweet David, today we got to have a ball at our local bowling alley. One of our friends, Jessica, from our Down Syndrome group was turning 30 and we had to get together to celebrate! If we had not been blessed with David, we would never have gotten the opportunity to meet the people that are special in our life like our friends from our Down Syndrome Group.

Jessica wanted a bowling party and the must have people on her guest list were David, Caroline, and Dr. Robinson! She loves Mike for some reason and so after church today we all headed to the bowling alley to bowl, eat pizza and cake, and have fun with Jessica. I am embarrassed to admit how many frosted cookies David ate and how much Diet Sprite Kyle drank. As some of you know, I am on this organic, healthy eating kick due to a book I read recently and I think my kids were SO HAPPY to have access to junk that they took full advantage of it:)

I just had to share some pictures from the party!:) Have a great week!

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