Monday, November 19, 2012

Week in Pictures

The last week has been totally exhausting both mentally and physically. Mike was out of town last week and not only did I parent solo but our days were full!  Here is the past week in pictures:)

Last Thursday we celebrated Ashley's birthday by going to see Wreck It Ralph and eating at Riverfront.  It was yummy and we gave her a very practical gift of a Walmart gift card and a marriage devotional book.  We are so blessed to have her in our life. 
Today one the preschool classes had their thanksgiving program at preschool and here is Hope with two sweet girls-Macy and Sarah.  Hope actually wore tights (shocking!), boots and a skirt.  I even talked her into her turkey hair clip!
She even got to wear her turkey hat!  Notice that she glued her turkey face on  upside down!  I love it!
My first born is growing up way too fast and this past week he had to visit the orthodontist to get six braces on his upper teeth.  He took it all in stride and was not too embarrassed that I took my camera with us to get them on!  Ha!
Last Tuesday night we were invited to our beautiful new hospital for a dessert reception for the giving tree.  We as a family purchased a leaf on the giving tree for David towards the chemo mixer and amazingly one of the elementary schools also did a leaf for our boy.  It was a wonderful night at our hospital.  David entertained a wonderful group of ladies and here he is with Ms. Penny and Mrs. Groseclose doing his touchdown dance!  He was playing football on my phone and whenever he scored he would make them do the touchdown dance!
These pictures are amazingly out of order, but here he is pre-braces getting ready to get them on.  I was THAT Mom that asked to go back and take a picture:)
Another dessert reception picture.  This one not only has Ms. Penny and Mrs. Groseclose, but Mrs. Dawn that blessed us with the Tech tickets.  We are so blessed to have so many prayer warriors in our corner!  We are also blessed to live in this amazing community. 
One of David's leaves on the giving tree thanks to Rich Valley Elementary. 
A leaf that we did in honor of David. 
Right as you come into our hospital you see this beautiful giving tree.  This picture does not do it justice-it is really breathtaking. 
After the craziness of the last week we are so excited for a holiday this week to rest and catchup after a busy busy past week.

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