Sunday, September 22, 2013

Fabulous Fall Weekend

I love fall weekends and this one was a perfect balance of downtime at home and fun time with friends. Kyle was the crazy guy who went to VT to watch them play Marshall in the RAIN. I was thankful I was home on the couch under a blanket instead of being out in the rain! Kyle enjoyed some GG and Pops time this weekend and we enjoyed taking the two youngest to the drive-in last night to see Despicable Me2.

Today, Hope and I headed to Roanoke for a Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Walk to raise money for a cure. Our sweet friend, Jack was diagnosed last December with Type 1 Diabetes. His Momma, Misty and I are good friends who work together at the preschool. They do an amazing job as a family managing his diabetes and Jack is really a special kid.

Our Team name was Captain Jack's Crew and here are most of the kids that were apart of the crew!

It was a fun event but Hope was terrorized by the number of dogs that were there! She freaked out! It was crazy crowded-there were at least 1000 people at this event. I had no idea how huge it would be.

Here is sweet Sydney with her Aunt Julia.

You could do the one miile walk for the three mile walk and Hope's little legs decided that we better stick with one mile. I was proud of her for doing that in the hot sun. The weather forecast was a little off and it was about ten degrees warmer than predicted. My jeans were really too hot! The rest of the crew did the whole three miles, and as we were walking back Dr. RAchel and the group of boys passed over us!

Seeing this sign really put diabetes in perspective for me as a Mommy. I have watched Jack take his blood sugar, seen first hand how many times the school nurse has to call Misty while we are at preschool, and I know that Misty and Joel have had to have a lifestyle change as a family, but this sign shocked me. At a cookout type of event it would never phase me to question how many carbs my kids are eating, but Type 1 Diabetics always have to be aware of their carb count for their insulin. If I had to count Kyle's carbs and limit them it would be terrible for him. I am in awe of the graceful way that the family has handled Jack's diagnosis.

Hope finally stopped freaking out about the dogs and had fun with her BFF, Sydney. The walk was at the Transportation museum downtown Roanoke and it was such a cool venue to be surrounded by all these cool trains and planes.

Between the Drive-in with our youngest two, Friday night football game, downtime to cheer on my Hokies on the couch, and today's outing with friends to raise money for Type 1 Diabetes, it has been an fabulous Fall weekend!

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