Monday, April 7, 2014

Ballgames and Bears

It is offically baseball season here in our household. Mike is coaching Kyle's baseball team and I am "coaching" Hope's Tball team. This past Saturday was Little League Opening Day and we had such fun!

David and Hope before her first game. I could barely stand the cuteness! For many years I have been helping Kyle find his cup, his heart guard, and get all his gear ready. This past Saturday was the first time that the only prep we needed was to match her hairbow to her uniform. She was so excited!!!

Another thrill for Hope this weekend was Adventure Bear. It was finally her turn to bring him home for the weekend from preschool. She took him everywhere with us-he even sat in the dugout!

Hope may love princesses, lip gloss, and ballet, but she was so excited to get out there and play ball! I love it!

She just wants to do everything right:) At one point she was rounding the bases and she splatted in the mud. I really thought her career might be over but she hopped up and was excited that I could use the special soap that I use on Kyle's white baseball pants to clean her clothes! I use Fels Naptha soap on Kyles:)

GG and Pops came down to catch both games and we enjoyed a Mexican lunch between games. Later in the afternoon Kyle had his first Little League game. Between his travel team and his Little League team he played five baseball games this weekend.

I tseems like yesterday Kyle played Tball and now this is his last year of Little League. I am stunned how fast time is going by.

Kyle pitched a little on Saturday which made him very happy!

I love this picture of Mike and Kyle.

Life is going at a pretty fast pace these days. David has his scan this Friday which of course has sent me into nervous mode. I know our God is bigger than cancer, relapses, and Creatinine levels. I trust in His plan always, but these never get easier. Thank you dear friends and prayer warriors for your prayers for us this week.

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