Sunday, October 25, 2009

Please Buckle Up

If you are going to read this entire post let me recommend that you buckle your seat belts because it is going to be a wild and bumpy ride! Actually, I am having some insight lately that the phrase "please buckle up it is going to be a wild ride" might just be our family mantra for a while.

You know, kind of like on a roller coaster at an amusement park?

You see, I am starting to think the roller coaster ride idea is a great analogy to a busy family. It goes up and down and fast and faster, but you are clinging to the ones you love that are sitting right beside you the whole ride. Also on a roller coaster just when you think you can't stand it anymore and you just might hurl, that crazy part is over and a smoother path is up ahead. Sound familiar?

First off, the ride is never how it looks until you get on. This weekend we had great plans, I mean really fun everyone get to participate kind of fun. We were headed to Roanoke to watch Kyle and friends swim Saturday and Sunday morning. This plan was great because it left Saturday afternoon for fun family and friend frolic in fun places such as the hotel pool and Chuck E. Cheese.

But, David got sick. Really sick and had to be confined to my blessedly helpful parents house. I did not feel comfortable leaving Davey just with them, so I stayed at my parents house and drove 40 minutes each morning to watch Kyle swim. Mike and Kyle stayed in Roanoke in a comfy hotel for the weekend. We were worried about how to sleep a family of 5 in a hotel, but then Mike and Kyle ended up having a bed to themselves:)

On a positive note, Kyle swam AWESOME And there was this little incident at Chuck E. Cheese where Mike won the skeeball game and lights, bells, and whistles went off as he hit 500,000 and tickets poured out of the machine! (He then traded them in for like a mini tootsie roll but who cares he was the big winner!)

The downside of the weekend is that Davey was/is sick (negative for h1N1 and strep) but still sick enough that we ended up in the ER. Being in the ER right now is not a fun place to be, but we survived thanks to the help of my sweet Dad who entertained Hope in the car for over two hours while we could tend to Davey. I drove back and forth between Radford and Roanoke all weekend trying to watch Kyle swim but check on David. My sweet Mom stayed home with David all weekend so I could go back and forth. David is now on breathing treatments and hopefully this will help. Dr. C said that his lungs sound a little junky which worries me, but we have pulled out the trusty breathing machine and Xopenex:)

Kyle getting ready to swim the backstrokoe:)

Taylor and Hope watching Bre and Kyle swim:) Kyle had a ball on Saturday playing at Chuck E. Cheese and swimming in the hotel pool with Bre and her family:)

Thisis how our weekend has ended-with David on the nebulizer getting a breathing treatment from Mike:) Even sick Davey is so sweet:)

Kyle's butterfly:)

I guess for now the Robinson roller coaster is coasting smooth-We have a treatment plan for Davey, nobody else is showing any signs of sickness and things look low key for the week. But I know there will be other times where the ride is wild and bumpy but I am so thankful for the people sitting in my car with me giving me someone to grab and hold onto during the bumpy parts:) I guess as a family we will just throw our arms up in the arm and scream "wheeeeeeeeeeee" during this crazy ride called life and pray we do not hurl!!:)

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