Sunday, May 15, 2011

Week in Review

I have truly not been a lazy blogger, but when I have tried to blog this week blogger (the service that I use for this blog) was having major issues, so I decided to wait until the weekend and do one huge post.

My girl is loving preschool. When I tell her and David to come brush their teeth she wants to be the "wine weader" (line leader) and tells him to "wine up!" I love it so much! So on an "off preschool" day we met some friends at the lake to play. This little one had a ball!

There is not a playground she does not love:) I remember being soooo worried about how she would do at preschool-what a joke!! She loves every minute of being there and for that I am thankful. I am a blessed woman that has a job I LOVE where I can take my girl and she LOVES it too. It just breaks my heart how well she fits in because that is a reminder to me that we no longer have a little baby. Her second birthday is fast approaching and the princess party stuff is taking over!

Speaking of princesses, my sweet relative made Hope these pillowcase dresses. I got to pick out the fabric and she made them for us. Hope's favorite is the Tinkerbell one but she has already worn them all. I could do a whole blog post on how awesome pillowcase dresses are. Thank you Mary Jane for sharing your talents with us!

Straight from the bathtub posing in her Hokie dress!!

"Cheese mommy!"

Saturday morning David had a Tball game and then Kyle had a soccer game. Mike went with Dave and I took Kyle.

My eldest loves soccer for sure!

This scares me to death but he loves to hit that ball with his head?!

After the soccer fun we then squeezed in his 4:00 baseball game-whew it was certainly a full day! I love sports for many reasons, but one of the big reasons we love sports is the family atmosphere at the game. Here are Hope and David playing with other siblings under Bridget's tent that she so graciously let us use! Kyle and his team lost in a heartbreaker, but in the losses there are good lessons to learn too.

This afternoon I got to leave my babes behind with Miss Ashley (God bless you Ashley) and I went to church to help my women's circle prepare for a baby shower that we were hosting for a girl in our circle. Here is the gift we got them as a circle and I just loved this new and improved pack & play! Too cute!

As we were decorating Suzanne felt the tables looked blah so ten minutes before the shower started she clipped these from the church's garden and dug these candles out of the bathroom-Viola! Watch out Martha Stewart!!!

The happy couple anxiously awaiting the arrival of Baby Isaiah. This was the first baby shower that I have been to in a while and it brought back so many wonderful memories. I remember being this couple almost ten years ago just on the cusp on parenthood with Kyle and then remembering that just two years ago I was the one opening the baby presents. Time certainly marches on and though I LOVED and ADORED the infant years, I am so thankful we are past that. God gives you good wisdom like that:)

After all the fun of the weekend we even added to the craziness by hosting a 3rd grade SOL review party! Kyle and his classmates take their big state tests over the next two weeks so we thought it would be fun to call some friends over to study together. We played games to review and then had root beer and ice cream sundaes.

Here are a few of the sweet girls making their sundaes. I love having my kids friends over-I love the energy, the noise, and I certainly learn fun facts!! Ha! I love it when our house is the gathering house. Earlier in the day I was kind of stressing about how to get lunch cooked after church, my taco dip made for the shower, and cleaning for tonight when it hit me that in ten years Kyle will remember the fun he had and not if all the laundry was put away when his friends came over. I must have pulled it of okay because several Moms commented how neat my house was!!:)

This is one of those weekends where I loved every minute of our crazy life. I am worn out already, but I really had fun cheering my kiddos on in their games and just enjoying the great friends that God has put into all of our lives. I am a sleepy by happy Momma.

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