Wednesday, August 18, 2010

First Day of School

Here are my happy boys ready for the first day of school! It boggles my mind that I have a first and third grader, but I am so happy that they were excited this morning. Kyle moved schools this year to our intermediate school (grades 3-5) and he was a little anxious about that, but after meeting his teacher he was okay. David does not have an anxious bone in his body and was thrilled to go back to school today!

My heart is so full for these boys.

To make the transition a little easier, Kyle met a few friends, Mason and Caroline in a nearby parking lot so Mike could walk them into the school together. Kyle and Caroline are in class together, and Mason is in a nearby classroom.

David and Tommy are off to first grade!

Walking into the building we ran into David's friend, Ally and they got to get a quick picture together. Ally's classroom is right next to David's so hopefully they can still walk together to class again this year.

David did NOT want me walking him down the hall to his class, but I did sneak in and get a few pictures of him in the classroom:)

Here is Mrs. Hubble explaining their first activity for the morning and I was thrilled to see that David would be sitting in the front right next to her. My little day dreamer needs that!

So, it is just us girls now. I know Hope will miss her big brothers, but I am excited to get some quality time with my little girl. I know that oh so soon she too will put on the school backpack and head out on the first day. Seeing how fast the boys are growing up makes me appreciate the time I have with Hope at home:)

1 comment:

  1. I hope your great big boys had a wonderful first day! I loved seeing that picture of a very grown-up looking Caroline, too:0)Wow...first and third graders!! I know you'll enjoy every minute of girl-time with Hope because you so obviously know how quickly those minutes pass!
