Thursday, September 30, 2010


Lately we have felt a tad bit discouraged about David's progress. At times it seems that his Down Syndrome diagnosis is in the far back corners of our minds. Other times it seems that it takes center stage. It often rears its head when you least expect it and you are reminded that indeed he has a significant cognitive disability.

Last night I took David to children's choir practice at church. I got to slip into the adult bible study that was going on while he was practicing in the sanctuary. The pastor was preaching about Jesus being the light, but he highlighted a scripture that hit this mom with a special needs child right in the heart.

In John, it talks about Jesus healing the blind man. The disciples asked Jesus who sinned to cause this man to be blind. Jesus replied by saying "neither this man nor his parents sinned; he was born blind so that God's works might be revealed in him." Alrighty. In this scripture you could substitute any disability out there and still draw the same conclusion.

Doctors often refer to David's disability as a "goof up" in the number of chromosomes that he has. A certain doctor tried to explain this to us by saying that "nature goofed" and gave him an extra set of chromosome-hence the Down Syndrome diagnosis.

Clearly that doctor does not believe in a sovereign Lord like I do. I know that David is fearfully and wonderfully made by our Creator and that God certainly can keep track of the number of chromosomes that David received. David does not have Down Syndrome because of a "goof" but so that my God's good works can be revealed.

Basically as a momma with a special needs child in my home, I take this verse to mean that God was well aware of the number or chromosomes in his little body and wants to use his disability so that HE may be glorified. I get it. If Kyle or Hope reach a milestone or achieve something exciting, it would be awfully tempting to be proud and use our "good" parenting to explain the reason it was reached and for us take all the glory.

With David we know that when a milestone is reached unexpectedly or when a wonderful helper is put in our life, we know who it came from. We know who to give the credit to when I hear him read words from his books. Everytime he surpasses our expectations I know who deserves the glory.

It was such a wonderful reminder to me last night at bible study that God has, is, and will continue to do wonderful works in my David's life. Yes, there are going to be ups and downs in this walk parenting a child with special needs, but God will be there to wipe our tears over the heart breaks.He will also be there to receive the glory that He is due when we come to him in thanksgiving over the works he is doing in David's life. Glory to you Lord.

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