Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Heart Full

All day long today I have fought back sweet tears as my heart has been full of joy. Yes, I still miss my Pawpaw and yes, life is not a bowl of cherries everyday but today I was just reminded of how amazing Jesus really is.

My sweet, sweet eight year-old son was very sad this morning when he realized that he was going to be late to "see you at the pole." This is an event where one day a year children meet around the flag pole to pray for their school and friends. Kyle's bible teacher helped organize this event and he did not remember until we were on our way to school. He made me drive in front of the school versus the regular drop-off route so he could see if he was still in time to pray. I cannot tell you how full my heart was that my big, ever-growing eight year-old was excited to get to school to pray with kids from his school.

I am not sharing this sweet story about Kyle to brag about our parenting skills or the number of times this child has been to church. I think my tears came so readily today because I knew that Jesus has captured that child's heart. Yes, Mike and I have taken him to church and such, but Jesus has captured his heart.

I was so moved during prayer time today because I realized that despite the number of times I have been unfaithful, He is always faithful. Despite the number of times that I have not always shown Kyle the right way, His ways are always right. Despite love and kindness that I have not always modeled, His love is unconditional.

Mike and I have always taken that verse in the bible about training up your children so literally and we see it as the big commission of parenting. We believe that children must be taught the values that we want them to have-it truly does not happen by osmosis or chance!

Today I was reminded that Jesus is so faithful and that we are made to be in fellowship with him. My eight year old bolted out of our car to try to get to that flagpole today. I pray that he always pursues Jesus with this determination and that he is always this excited to be in fellowship with our Father. This Momma has a heart full of love tonight for the One who pursues us and loves us despite our flaws and our sin.

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