Tuesday, March 29, 2011


The weather the past few days has indeed been crazy-yesterday I took the boys to school in the pouring snow. Today, however, it is sunny and beautiful. Today I was driving home from Walmart with Miss Hope (we have had such a fun girls day today) and I noticed that our neighbors' yards are starting to look so pretty with blooming flowers. I then pulled into my own yard and sighed. Our yard is not very pretty. The yard is almost bare in a place or two where the kids play regularly. My flowers beds need attention and mulch and I was just beating myself up that I am not Miss Susie Homemaker. I then glanced in the backseat at this precious, curly-haired little girl sound asleep from our fun day out and I felt peace. I spent the day with my favorite girl doing our favorite things-eating pizza, library, strolling through Walmart in search of anything princess, and just having fun. There will be plenty of time down the road for a beautiful yard and pretty potted plants. For this season in my life I am choosing to invest what precious time I have in my children. Our evenings are spent running from one of their activities to another and our weekends are spent cheering them on on the field or playing outside. So today for once I have peace that my yard is not the most beautiful on the golf course. For this season of my life I am choosing to invest my time and love into my children and my "adopted" children through preschool. There will be plenty of years down the road to don my sun hat and play with flowers but for now I choose to play with the children that run through my flowers:)

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