Friday, September 14, 2012

Deep Thoughts

Tonight I am in a very contemplative mood.  September is childhood cancer awareness month and I cannot believe that last September I had no idea how childhood cancer would impact our family.  I remember seeing some gold ribbons floating around on facebook and I remember thinking how tragic cancer must be.  Last September we were packing for Disney completely clueless how life was getting ready to change.  Drastically. 

Amazingly we have total peace about David's upcoming checkup.  We are excited to see how much weight he has gained in a month and to show off all of his new peach fuzz!! David's teacher texted me today that not only did he make a 103 on his spelling test, but he bets by Christmas David will have a ponytail:) We are so thankful that all those prayers we prayed about school starting were answered.  David is surpassing our expectations across the board.  To God be be the glory for it all!

This weekend we are scooting out of town for a little quick family getaway.  Family time is priceless and after being separated so much last year, we relish every weekend where we are together.  Next weekend I will be at The Ordinary Women's conference which is coming up so fast!!  I am so nervous (especially because the attendance is around 200 as of this week) but I am compelled to brag on our God because of the way he sustained us through the scary dark times.

I wish I could say my nightmares are getting better but they really are not.  My dreams are sadly laced with dreams of cancer and other tragic things.  I pray time will heal this but it seems to get worse now that the cooler weather is here and we are in the season of the first anniversary of his diagnosis.   I am reading through the book of Proverbs at night trying to soak up God's wisdoms and truths, but those darn nightmares are still showing up. 

Last night I was blessed to have a marathon dinner with a dear friend from life and church.  It was such a wonderful time of sweet christian friendship and I am so thankful that God has blessed me with some encouraging women in my life.  Satan tries to prey on women and our friendships using gossip and insecurity and frankly I am over it. I want my christian friends to know how important they are to me and I want in turn to bless them with encouragement and friendship. 

I must stop my deep thinking and pack our things for our little getaway!!!  Dollywood here we come!!! David is so excited to see the train and the Eagle Challenger and Kyle is ready for roller coasters. 

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