Tuesday, October 15, 2013

2013 Buddy Walk

This past weekend simply rocked.  The VT game on Saturday was amazing and awesome and then Sunday we got together with our friends that rock that little extra chromosome for our annual Buddy Walk.  This event every single year makes my heart swell with thanksgiving that God blessed us with David and that we are surrounded by this awesome group of families, friends, and educators to "do life" with. 

I tried hard to locate David's "Keep Calm It's Only an Extra Chromosome" shirt, but we all try to wear blue and yellow for the official Down Syndrome colors. Here are David and Angie.  They have similar personalities and Angie is truly the life of any party.  She is simply hilarious. 
Here is David with one of my preschoolers, Emily.  I love her so much and I LOVE having her two mornings a week at preschool.  She is so smart!!  This year I was there not only as David's Mom but as Emily's teacher as well.  We fight over her at preschool we love her so much!
Here are our friends that were able to make it this year.  We were missing a few due to illnesses but we always have a good time!  
David and Caroline.  Caroline is now in middle school with Kyle and she is looking so grown-up.  When we started these buddy walks David and Caroline were preschoolers. 
David was a blessed guy because not only was AShley there (and has been for the past several years) but Amber and her entire family came.  God has blessed us with both Ashly and Amber and they split time with David now.  Here is David with Amber's little brother, T.J. 
AShley has been a faithful Buddy walker for the last several years.  (Don't you love her new hairdo?)
If you asked any of the parents that have an "angel" with Down Syndrome, they would all tell you that raising a strong-willed child with DS is not easy at all.  We worry about their futures, we worry that they are truly loved and accepted, we worry about their health, we just worry.  It is our jobs to keep them safe and protected. 
Then on the other hand, there is this understanding when you come together with other families with children that have DS that you are part of this amazing club where genuine love, acceptance, and kindness reigns. When I leave these Down Syndrome family events, I am always so thankful to God that he blessed us with David.  God has used David to make me a more genuine person and to teach us as a family what it means to be "fearfully and wonderfully made." 
The scripture that means the most to me is from John 9:1-3.  As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth.  And his disciples asked him, "Rabbi who sinned, this man or his parents, the he was born blind?" Jesus answered "It was not that this man sinned or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him.
That scripture gets me everytime.  Some would look at Angie, Emily, David, Caroline, Taylor, Jessica, and our other friends with DS and call them a "medical fluke."  Because of Jesus and his perfect plan, this scripture melts my heart that Jesus is using David and his friends to display His glory.  I could care less that David may never drive a car or learn how to do long division-he is here on this Earth to bring Glory to our God!  I am just so thankful as a Mom and teacher that I get a front row seat to the glories that will be displayed through my son and his awesome friends. 

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