Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Why I love my job

I love teaching preschool. Often it is exhausting but oh so satisfying. I came home today with paint on my elbow and sweater:) Today it is pouring the rain here and we were unable to go outside to play on the playground. Instead, I took the children and my colorful parachute down stairs to the fellowship hall to play.

On our way back to the class, one of the sweet children asked me where these certain steps led to. I was already tying another little girl's shoe when I tried to answer that the stairs go to the balcony of the church. I launched into an appropriate answer about what a balcony is used for at church. After I tied the little girl's shoe, we started on back to the class. I then overhead one little boy say "I don't know what she was talking about about that balcomany (his words not my misspelling)-I bet they just keep a bunch of church junk up there!!!" I love being humbled by my students:) Have a great day!:)

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