Sunday, February 14, 2010

Heart Day

Happy Heart Day! I love Valentine's Day for lots of reason, one being that red is my favorite color! I was so thrilled this morning pulling out red outfits for all three of my babies for church. It is still really cold here, but today the sun is out so it feels almost normal outside. We still have lots of snow on the ground and the forecast is calling for more tonight. Seriously, it really is. I just counted it up and officially the children have been in school for 11 days since December 18th. Most of those 11 days were even two hour delay days.

Back to Valentine's Day, though. I rarely look at this as a Valentine sweetie kind of day. I always look at Valentine's as a "be thankful for the special loved ones in your life that you love day":) Usually we have my extended family down to eat, but the weather has kept that from happening this year.
I heart my two big boys and my sweet little girl. The boys have been fighting over Hope lately because she has lots of cute tricks up her sleeve and they love to get her to belly laugh. I am astounded that tomorrow is her 8 month birthday. Thank goodness she is so darn fun these days or I would be so sad that her first year is flying by so fast.
After lunch the boys took advantage of the sunshine to get outside and play in all the white stuff that we have piled up. They LOVE to play football in the snow?
David on one of our snow piles!

Why is football in the snow so much fun?

Maybe I should take down this sign in our yard to decrease the chance of snow tonight???

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