Monday, February 1, 2010

What to do

What to do when you have ANOTHER big snowstorm hit the area over a weekend. Well, if you are Hope and David you play a big game of tag in the kitchen! Hope in her walker and David chasing her and squealing like a pig. This is how they entertained themselves this weekend:)

It was really a great, relaxing weekend. Have I said lately that I love snow on a weekend?! Snow is great but during the week it creates a lot of stress for Mike having to make a snow call. He spends hours checking the weather, talking to his spotters, and then when he makes a decision he has to call a bazillion radio stations. Utterly exhausting.

So here are some pictures from the weekend-a BIG game of tag! I really think these walkers are outlawed and dangerous, but for our house it is awesome!

This sweet big boy did not join in the tag fun. He got a sore throat Friday night and spiked a fever. We waited patiently and watched him closely over the weekend until the doctor's office opened. We were there bright and early this morning and sure enough he has bronchitis. Bronchitis for an asthmatic is hard, but the miracle drug called Advair has protected his lungs and as of this morning he is sick, but his asthma is staying in check. God bless the makers of Advair:)

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