Friday, September 18, 2009


I am so excited that there are some fun friends and little people to do a playgroup this year. Today was our first official playgroup and we went to the local fish hatchery. It was perfect weather for such a fun trip with friends. The kids got to see fish eggs and feed the fish as well as see lots of little critters around the hatchery.

Here are the kids feeding the fish.

They happened to have this HUGE snapping turtle at the hatchery which I think will give me nightmares for a month. Uggh:)

The kids eye balling a garter snake! Yikes!

Hope hanging out in the snuggli!

All dressed and ready for playgroup!

After the fish hatchery we washed our hands and a friend and I got to have a leisurely lunch with babies at the local salad place. Yummy! It has so far been a great day!

1 comment:

  1. So fun!! Did you know Cade can still remember holding a baby snapping turtle there "way back when" when our great big boys were there with a group like that?!
