Saturday, May 16, 2009

Not Me! Monday!

Welcome to Monday! It is time for me to 'fess up to all that I have "not" been doing over the last week or so.

As you may know from a previous post, my nice camera had some technical issues after a certain little boy dropped it off my bed. I definitely did NOT lose my cool in front of my sweet impressionable children when I realized that it was not working. I am working so hard to raise Godly, kind children that I would never allow them to see or hear Mommy say a few choice words over a material possession:)

I did NOT shamelessly beg Kyle's wonderful teacher to "loop" with him next year:)

I did NOT hack my poor David's hair trying to cut it while he was sleeping to avoid a nightmare trip to the barber. All I can say is praise the Lord it is Tball season and he can wear a cap for a month or so:)

I definitely did NOT go outside in my pj's to speak to the sweet city workers that were cleaning our debris up. Thankfully that night it was yoga pants and a tshirt and I did remember to put a bra on!!

I did NOT laugh hysterically at my David for singing along with the Viva Viagra commercial last night. I then did NOT turn to my husband and demand to know what filthy channel he is allowing them to watch. Come to find out that Viagra commercials are allowed on ESPN:(

That is all I am willing to admit to this Monday-if you catch yourself singing the Viva Viagra commercial as well today you can thank ESPN! I cannot get that darn blasted song out of my head this morning-uggh:)


  1. Hi! Great looking blog. I see you're a mother of boys. I wish you the best as you raise your sons.

    It's an honor to raise sons because in essence you are raising the heads of someone else's household in the future!

    Be blessed and please visit my blog when you get a chance.

  2. I did not beg my son's kinder teacher last year to loop with him this year to only be told that the school doesn't allow that.

  3. I knew you would love "Grace Flows Down" think of His blood flowing down and covering our sins is all too real of an example of how much he loves us....

