Tuesday, October 5, 2010

These Are the Days

I used to love the song These Are the Days and it was popular during my college days. I heard it the other day and I just had to chuckle at how my life is so different now then when I used to sing that song with my college friends.

Now my days are spent painting pumpkins with my little girl. I know now from parenting my first two how freakishly fast those first five years of life go by and I am determined to enjoy every second with Hope. With my boys being only two years apart, I felt so caught up in diapers and such that I often forgot to breathe and enjoy the chaos of having two little ones home all day.

Now those two go off to school everyday and I know that in the blink of an eye Hope will join them. I will take more time with her to read books, paint pumpkins, and just enjoy the moment more. Experience has taught me that lesson.

I have to think that the time we spent working on her first finger paint creation was well worth it! It is now hanging proudly on the refrigerator!

Kyle and David were so excited and jealous that Hope got to paint (remember I did not always say yes when they asked me to paint) that I had to pull the paint back out and let them create a pumpkin:)

They were having so much fun being crafty that the playdough came out too!
I also want to remember these days with Hope and her first little friend, Brady. Brady came to play today and we had such fun! They played forever on this Little People garage:)

They are only eight weeks apart and they are so cute together. Brady's Mom, Samantha was one of the first people I told that I was expecting Hope because I realized that our babies would only be 8 weeks or so apart and I was so excited to have another stay-at-home Mommy to plan fun times with during the day:)

My girls loves the camera! She carries this camera around and says "cheese" I wonder who modeled that for her? :)

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