Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Life is Funny

After the seriousness of the last few weeks or so, I just had to share some really funny things that have happened to me over the past few weeks. I have been too stressed to totally appreciate them until now:)

In my preschool room there is a large "kidney" shaped table where the kids and I sit for snack. I sit in the little opening so in theory I can reach everyone. The other day I was handing out cups of milk and one of my preschoolers spoke up so candidly and said "Mrs. Laura if your belly gets any bigger we will need to find another preschool teacher!" Thanks so much sweetie:)

Yesterday I took Kyle and David to the gym so Kyle could do his dryland training for swimming. I put David in childcare and went upstairs to walk. I was walking at a pretty fast pace, but the guy that was walking in front of me kept passing gas, so I had to up my pace significantly to get around him which then left me huffing and puffing around the track-I almost needed oxygen!! I even kept coughing a little bit so that poor gassy guy would know that someone was indeed behind him!!!

Last Friday I stopped at our local bread store to buy some 100% juice fruit snacks to take to Kyle's class. The bread store was full of old farmer men coming in to buy feed from the day old section. I was leaving the store after making my purchase and climbed into the car. I get totally nervous about the whole seatbelt on the belly thing and was adjusting the seatbelt to under my belly like the books say to. Well, I got carried away and the next thing i know I had beeped the horn very loudly while doing my adjustment. Those sweet farmers must have thought I was beeping at them?! I just have no pride left.....

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