Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I have recently had some lower back pain that has made it necessary for me to lay on my left side several times a day. Hopefully this back pain is just a minor temporary setback and I will be better in a few days. I headed to the library to get some new books to read while I am resting my back. I LOVE the section in our library that shows off all the new books. I have always loved to read and really devour books when I have the time. Since I am in a bible study right now my reading time is limited, but I just love christian fiction books.

Anyway, have you all watched a show on TLC called "17 and Counting?" It is about the Duggar family from Arkansas that just welcomed their 18th child to the mix. Since I am a tad bit nervous about just adding our third to our hectic mix, I was drawn to their new book just released. (Check out their website for further information about them and their new book).

This family amazes me as they truly take the bible verse about training up your child literally which involves daily scripture memorization, homeschooling around the kitchen table and service projects. I did learn some organizational tricks from the book and some cool new recipes, but the book also inspired me to be purposeful in my teaching of character traits with my own children.

Mike and I are tough on our children in terms of discipline-okay, let me clarify that statement. Mike holds our children to a high standard and is our main disciplinarian and I often state that if I were a single Mom, my children would probably end up in juvie (juvenile detention). I try to discipline consistently, but it is harder on a tender Momma's heart.

Even though the Duggar's lifestyle is not for us totally-homeschooling is not an option due to Mike's job and my mental health, this book reminded me that Godly children that truly possess a servant's heart do not happen by chance. I need to be more purposeful in training up my children to have the character traits that we value-kindness, empathy, helpfulness, and selflessness.

I guess I have some work to do on this character stuff. Kyle and David are having a major standoff over a basketball right this second. Kyle does not want David to have the ball, so he took it with him into the bathroom to do his business so David would not "steal" it. Ahem, where do I start??!

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