Saturday, May 5, 2012

Breaking Out and Blessings

Laura is resting (napping) in preparation for her week as Nurse Laura so I thought I would update everyone.  About 1:30 today David "broke out" of the hospital.  Seriously we were released conditionally this afternoon.  The condition is that we stay in Charlottesville for a few days as David takes two antibiotics twice a day for the next 7 days from Nurse Laura.  He is feeling well, eating, drinking, and has some energy.  Kyle and Hope are here with us and it is great to spend an afternoon together as a family.

We are thankful again today as our God never ceases to amaze us.  Last night David's access of his port got twisted and stopped working correctly.  Fluid got in the tissue near his port and made a good size knot on his chest.  The nurses attempted to reaccess him and it still would not work.  After talking with the doctor on the floor it was decided to consult with the surgery department.  The surgeon looked at it and they had already planned for a Monday procedure to replace his port.  After much discussion we all decided to try and access the port one more time.  David hates to have his port accessed so there is always a ton of wailing.  On the next attempt, we began celebrating as another prayer was answered and they were able to access the port.  There are still some problems with pushing the hepron in after a treatment but it is working. By this time, David had fought us pretty hard and was exhausted.  Shortly after he snoozed.

Some additional medical stuff concerning David.  David's CT Scan for Thursday was cancelled.  He has a clinic appointment on Wednesday for a check-up.  A week from Monday, we go for our next round of chemo as an outpatient.  The doctors have decided to reduce his dosage when he comes in for his next inpatient.  The two times we have done the dosage at full strength he has gotten really ill so it was decided to dose reduce.  Not sure but we may be going "off study".  That means David would still be following protocols but they have been adjusted for what they believe he can safely handle. 

We hope that you and your family have a great weekend.   

1 comment:

  1. We as retired teachers (Smyth County) follow the blog daily for updates on David and the whole family We as a family have been praying for all of you daily and will continue as you have to travel the road of the c word there light at the end
